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I may never have seen your face, but I will carry you in my heart forever

There is this dream I have had many times over and again.  In this dream I am standing in this beautiful wide open space surrounded by trees and the sunlight is streaming down and there is this beautiful little girl smiling up at me.  She is smiling up at me and laughing and we are playing and dancing around.  She has long light brown hair and she has soft pink tinted cheeks and she has big beautiful brown eyes and she has dimples on both sides.  She is the sweetest thing.  She is probably about 3 years old.  She is my child, in this dream, and we have this joyful moment that is just ours.

There is another dream I have.  It is of a boy who would now be getting ready to turn 18.  He would be in his senior year of high school.  He would be tall and he would have curly hair.  His eyes would be green.  He would have freckles and a ready smile for everyone.  He would be well liked.  He would get good grades (or at least better than his mom did) and he would be planning for his future.

There is another dream that I have often.  In this dream the little boy is going on 12.  He has dark brown hair, brown eyes and a calm kind smile.  He is bookish and smart.  He likes video games but not as much as his older brother does.  He struggles with math but does his best.  He snuggles up to me and tells me that I am the best mama in the world like his older brother does.

There are other dreams that are more vague.  There are 5 boys and 4 girls.  All different but similar.  These are my babies that I never got to hold here on Earth.  One day I know that I will be reunited with them in the Summerland.  I will know peace and joy and the love of my children.

I have a 13 year old son who is my world.  He does not know about his brothers or sisters.  I have not told him and I do not know if I ever will.  It is a terrible thing to lose a child.  I have a child who is living and 9 who are not.  I am a mother of 10 but have only gotten to hold 1 in my arms.  I have only gotten to kiss the top of 1 child’s head.  I have only gotten to rub 1 child’s stomach when it aches.  I have only gotten to hold 1 child close while they were sick/scared/sad.  I am a mother without all of her children and while I know that I would not have been able to take care of 10 babies, there would not have been 10 of them if I had been able to carry them to term.  So I am a mother of 9 angel babies and 1 living teenage boy.  I love all of my children.  I love them all with all of my heart.  I carry my angels with me in my heart and in my dreams every single day of my life.